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The friends who have support and help 7Timer! operate so long ago

Mr.Bug in Hong Kong Teach me a lot about the way to write commands.

Mr.Unknown in Jiangsu Province Offer a economic assistance to this project.

LAMOST Project of National Astronomic Observatory Guarantee the space for the website.

Mr.Zuqiang Li in Guangxi Province Write an auto-run program for the project.

Dr.Chenzhou Cui, The Administor of the NAO's FTP Offer an extra space for the website.

STEED and NEPTUNE in Jiangsu Province, Shushan Ding and Jin Zhao in Zhejiang Province Give me some useful advice for the project.

EARTHMAN in California Give me some useful advice for the project.

Attilla Danko from Canada, the Clear Sky Clock director from Canada assist me a lot for the project.

Michael Edwards from Australia Give me mentally support to operate 7Timer!.

A big thank you to them!

Be a sponsor!

The Project is free to use (If not consider the net costs). But of course, the support from users are also very important. So, you can consider these ways to support or help me:

1.Mentally Support: Write to me, and tell me how useful it is, or offer some useful advice, then I'll have a nice dream at night and continue the project with full of confidence.

2.Tech Support: If you're a expert in meteorology, that's.... great!! If you can offer some official help or support, it would help me a lot (I'm going to face the exam of university...), and can spend extra time to work on the project.

3.Economic Support: Yeah... I'm not... not... not quite against this option, net costs, computer costs, time costs, mental costs, all cost $... or, RMB. Because now I don't have a job (poor student ^_^), haven't Visa,  Master Card etc, only have a Paypal account. If you would like to support me, please click the button below:

I'll be very, very moved if you do that, bow... bow... bow... Of course, no matter you're a sponsor or not, you can use 7Timer! without paying anything.

Copyright 2005 7Timer!