Yeiht | |||||||
Published at 19:59. Filed under 中文版日志; 1 Comment初始时间为北京时间5月5日08时,预测时间为北京时间5月6日03-06时,间隔为1小时,空间分辨率为11公里。
Published at 11:46. Filed under 中文版日志; 3 Comments中文版的日志似乎已经大半年没更新了,呵呵。这次要给大家带来一个好消息,一个中小尺度的数值模式日前测试成功,计划它将在APanel中全面取代目前所用的GFS数值产品。新模式将能提供11公里精度、1小时间隔的业务预报,较目前的35公里精度、3小时间隔大大提高。不过,因为这一个新模式需要较高的计算能力,目前在共享的国家天文台宇宙驿站服务器上暂时还无法运行,我正在看看能不能争取到一台专用的服务器。由于新模式的计算量很大,因此不能提供全球预报,预计未来新模式将与GFS产品并存运行。
New core test with success
Published at 11:35. Filed under English version; no comment so far.While finishing one of my college course assignments, I constructed a prototype of 7Timer!'s new core. It will greatly improve 7Timer!'s forecast ability by running a new numeric model that can raise the dimensional and time resolution. Instead of the current GFS's 35km and 3-hour interval, the new core will enable us to get forecast at a resolution of 11km and at a time interval of 1 hour.
However, application of the new core to daily use would require a better computation ability. Considering 7Timer! is now on a shared server, it's unlikely to put the new core on-line very soon. I am now looking for someone who can provide a private server for 7Timer!. On the other hand, a product of the new core has been scheduled to come on-line before July (after I finish my GRE test), it will provide numeric weather forecast for the July 22th total solar eclipse, on a resolution of 11km/1h or even 4km/20min, depending on the maximum accuracy it can provide and your needs.
There is also an apologize to you all about the small errors 7Timer! had experienced recently. I have made fixes accordingly and hope I have got the things right.