June 23rd, 2009

Weather forecast service for July 22 Total Solar Eclipse

Published at 20:57. Filed under English version; 3 Comments

Hello all,

Long time no see. I finally complete my GRE test, and soon will end this term. I will fly to Tianjin and then Beijing on June 29 and the busiest season will start. But don't worry -- something related to 7Timer! is among the tasks on the desk.

I will monitor a weather forecast service for the forthcoming great event, the July 22's Total Solar Eclipse that would be visible in South and East Asia, on behalf of my major training course, and I hope you can benifit from it if you are going to somewhere in India, China or on the Pacific for the eclipse. The new high-resolution model (which is still under development) will be employed. The service will start on July 8 and end around July 20-21 (depend on where I'll go for the eclipse), there will be three periods: in July 8-15, one bulletin will be issued on each day, indicating the trend of the weather prior to July 22; around July 14-15 there will be a public test for the new model; in July 16-18 two bulletins will be issued on each day, with the new model up for the service; in July 19-21 three bulletins will be issued on each day. The forecast region will include the entire totality zone and all the habitant places that partial eclipse is visible, all the bulletins will be publish on our blog (, and you are welcomed to forward them to anywhere as long as a credit to 7Timer! is presented.

Stay tuned for updates!

June 23rd, 2009


Published at 20:34. Filed under 中文版日志; 1 Comment





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